Feelingwood vs Competitors
We embrace comparisons with our industry peers fearlessly. We believe this healthy competition pushes our industry forward, motivating us to achieve excellence.
Feelingwood Vs Others
Discover how we stand out from the rest and find the best choice for your needs.
- Features
- Feelingwood
- Others
- Fast installation
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- Aesthetic appeal
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- Recyclability
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- Waterproof
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- Slip-resistant
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- Insect-resistant
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- Rot-resistant
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- Fade-resistant
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- Fire-resistant
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- Stain-resistant
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- Resistant to deformation
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- Cost-saving
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Feelingwood vs Other Materials
As technology advances rapidly and materials evolve, WPC emerges as a new trend. Discover why it’s gaining attention in today’s world.
Feelingwood vs wood decking
Feelingwood WPC decking offers great advantages over traditional wood decking in durability, maintenance, and environmental protection. It’s crafted from FSC-certified wood fiber and HDPE, combining the natural beauty of wood with the superior properties of plastic.
Feelingwood decking is highly waterproof, resistant to moisture, and requires minimal maintenance—no need for regular sealing or painting. It’s also insect-resistant and rot-free, ensuring a longer lifespan compared to wood, which is prone to warping, splintering, and color fading.
Moreover, Feelingwood decking is eco-friendly, using recycled materials and free from toxic substances, ensuring a healthy home environment.
Feelingwood vs pvc decking
Compared to PVC decking, WPC decking offers superior aesthetics, fire resistance, and stability. WPC uses mostly natural wood fiber, so it looks and feels more like real wood, enhancing the allure of outdoor living spaces.
However, PVC decking consists entirely of artificial materials, resulting in an unnatural feel. For safety, Feelingwood WPC has good fire resistance (rated B1), quickly extinguishing fires without releasing harmful gases.
In contrast, PVC decking exhibits poorer fire performance, posing certain safety risks. Moreover, PVC also expands and contracts more with temperature changes, which can affect its stability over time.